Google and Princeton Partner to Build an AI Lab

Google partnered with Princeton to build a lab to focus on advancing AI and Robotic technology. The lab will open in January, with the hopes of developing the innovation ecosystem of New Jersey even further. This type of technology has yet to break through the ice to be highly reliable. Artificial intelligence holds the capability to bring mass convenience to out daily lives. It also holds the ability to turn Disney’s Wall-e into a reality.

“The work in the lab will focus on a discipline within artificial intelligence known as machine learning, in which computers learn from existing information and develop the ability to draw conclusions and make decisions in new situations that were not in the original data”.

This technology can be applied to speech recognition, self-driving cars, and visual cues. Robots and artificial intelligence are not heavily relied on technology, however, with the amount of attention it has been getting, it can soon show up as a more commonly used asset within companies. Moreover, if you’re really interested in machine learning, artificial intelligence, or even developing algorithms to processes mass data, Princeton may be the college for you!

What do you think, will we be seeing more robots in our daily life? Do you even want to see more artificial technology? Let me know in those comments down below!

Shultz, Steven (12/18/12). Google to open artificial intelligence lab in Princeton and collaborate with University researchers. Retrieved From

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