Category Archives: Uncategorized

Cisco: How Secure is Your Router


It seems attackers have devised a way to gain access to businesses networks by replacing the firmware on at least fourteen reported Cisco business routers. Though there has only been fourteen cases discovered so far, the security vendor FireEye is concerned that this could be a much larger problem than what it is perceived to be. Though a back doored business router was once only considered to be a theoretical scenario, the problem could soon be something that companies have to worry about.

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Syncano: A New Approach to Development


Today as I was reading up on some tech news I happened to come across an relatively exciting new start up. This startup allows users to developers to focus less on the back end of their applications and more so on the front end. There is no telling what this could do for software development. If such a service were to take off then it could be possible to release applications at a much faster rate.

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Quantum Computing: What the Future Holds


The modern computer has for the most part always ran off of the Turing System in order to perform computations. Computer Science as a whole has strongly relied on computers running off of a base two binary system where a bit can either be 1 or 0 with absolutely no in-between. The standard binary system has been so effective in the realm of computing that Moore’s Law has been able to stand the test of time and has existed for nearly forty years. However, times are changing and a new computational paradigm does not seem nearly as impossible in the future as IBM and many other tech companies continue to invest large sums of money into quantum computing.

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Automation: What Does the Future Hold


Automation, it sounds exciting doesn’t it? Imagine a world where computers and robots take over the job market thus displacing millions of workers. It seems extremely futuristic but the day that computers come for your job could be right around the corner. With self driving cars, robotics, and artificial intelligence even the most untouchable jobs may be up for grabs in the future.

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Terms of Service: Who Reads Them Anyway


Terms of service, I admittedly do not read them and who really has the time to? Fear no more, as I was stumbling across one of my many tech forums today someone shared a beautiful site that gives the summarized version of popular sites terms of service which can be found here. You may be surprised to see  just exactly what other companies do with you data.

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The Agile Process: Risky or Effective


Software development, there are many ways to go about doing it. From the waterfall model to the unified process they all seem to have their own strengths and weaknesses depending on what you are trying to accomplish. Though every model has a different way to go about development, they all have one thing in common and that is documenting every aspect of the project you are working on. All of them except for the Agile process that is.

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The Cloud: Things to Keep in Mind


Cloud computing is the newest and greatest thing to come to computing. The Cloud has proven to be extremely useful in many applications, it allows extreme flexibility for people to back up their data and work from virtually anywhere they have a network connection. Just about any big tech company has their own version of the Cloud and for good reason too.

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Virtual Reality: To Be Excited or Scared


Moore’s law states that every 18 months that the amount of transistors that can fit on a computer chip will double. The law coined by the co-founder of Intel, Gordon Moore, has amazingly held true since it’s inception in the 1960s. During that time computing has went from large transistor mainframes that take up entire buildings to tiny smart phones in one’s pocket. There is no doubt that many new media platforms have been birthed due to new computational power and it’s always exciting to see what is going to be the next.

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Linux Mint: Potential Fix to Make an Old PC Run Like New


If you have taken the time to read my last post Windows 10: How Microsoft Shot Themselves in the Foot then you know that I am in search of a new operating system to fulfill my computational needs. In order to fulfill this need I have been extensively researching some of the many available Linux distros available. If you are unfamiliar with Linux don’t feel bad because I have fairly limited knowledge, and I’m even a computer science major. I am also here to share with you my current knowledge of what Linux could do for you.

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