Bio Metrics: The Next Step In Security


The human body is very complex. There are many different anatomical parts to the human body that are unique to every specific human being. For example there are fingerprints, eye retinas, arm veins, faces and even an individuals voice are all unique from one person to the next.

As computational algorithms become more complex, there will no doubt be more and more emphasis on bio metrics. Such methods are already used in order to secure phones, establish family lineage and even prove peoples verdict in courts across the country. But what exactly does the future hold here?

It is not exactly far fetched to believe that bio metrics could someday rule every aspect of our lives. Imagine being able to go to the store and pay for your groceries with only the swipe of a finger. Or imagine wearing a shirt that is able to tell you all of your vital signs at any given point in time giving it the potential to predict medical disasters such as heart attacks. There really seems to be a lot of potential here.

How do you feel about bio metrics?

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