Windows 10: How Microsoft Shot Themselves in the Foot


I’m a Windows guy, and always have been. The windows operating system is what I have grown up with.  But I have to say that Microsoft has really started to lose my respect lately due to just how darn persistent they are with trying to infect my personal computer with the dreaded Windows 10 virus. Yes, I called Windows 10 a virus!

Now I know some of you may have already taken the step to Windows 10 and you could potentially disagree. Some of you may own a Mac and could quite honestly care less. But hear me out here, what Microsoft is doing with Windows 10 is absolutely 100% unethical. In order to make my point more clear, I’ll tell you a little bit of a back story of my struggles with the zombie like immortal Windows 10 update.

For the past year I have been mindlessly living with random pop-up windows from Microsoft pleading with me to download Windows 10. Though admittedly annoying, I didn’t really mind all to much just simply clicking the little red ‘X’ in the top right corner of the window. Now today I come home from work and go to boot up my machine and all of a sudden I don’t have a little pane telling me just how awesome Windows 10 is trying to get me to download it. No, what I had was a count down saying that my machine was going to update to Windows 10 automatically within the next 15 minutes, I was absolutely livid!

Luckily I was able to quickly download and run a simple program I heard of called Never10 that not only stopped the upgrade dead in it’s tracks but completely wiped my machine of the update that caused those stupid pop-ups in the first place. Now I’d like to think of myself as rather tech savvy and up-to-date with the happenings of technology, and I was able to react quite quickly. But what about the people that aren’t. What about the people that have older machines with weaker hardware that aren’t optimized properly for windows 10. Shouldn’t we have a choice as to what software gets installed on our machines that we spend large sums of money for?

The fact of the matter is that I’m quite happy with Windows 8. I’d be even more happy with Windows 7 but I guess we can’t always get what we want. I don’t need to jump on to something just because it’s new. I know many people are running Windows 10 and as long as it is their choice then all the power to them. I however did not and continue to not trust Windows 10 for many reasons. The software is marketed as “free.” Simply put here, nothing is free in this world.

There have been reports of advertisements in the lock screen. There are also many default settings that are put in place in order for Microsoft to track your information. Whatever is done with that information is unknown to me but I’d put a safe bet that if it isn’t already being sold to third parties in order to bombard me with advertisements that there is intention to do that in the future. And wait, they could deliver me those advertisements directly onto my operating system.

It is a real shame because at its core, Windows 10 is a greatly functioning operating system. Simply put, I do not want an operating system that acts as an advertisement platform. I do not want my operating system to track every move I make with my machine. And I most definitely don’t want software downloaded on my machine against my will, thats what viruses do! This is why I’m actively reading up on Linux, I refuse to sit around and feed into this garbage. Software as a service is flawed.

What do you think about Windows 10? I’d be glad to hear about it in the comment section.

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