Piracy: A Cry for Innovation


There is no doubt that as time goes on that it is necessary for companies to adapt to the market in order to remain relevant. If they decide not to then there is a pretty good chance that the company in question is going to end up like Kodak did when they thought there was no need to upgrade to digital. Since the rise of technology there has been an absolutely massive amount of adaptation going on in the corporate world. One of the biggest examples of adaptation would be the retail industry’s shift to e-commerce in order to meet the demands of the consumer whom would rather shop from home.

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Facebook’s App: How to Save Mobile Battery


I would like to start this blog post off by stating that I am not an entirely huge fan of Facebook. Though I have to admit that it can be useful for some scenarios such as re connecting with old friends or keeping up to date on the happenings in your neighborhood. The problem is, for every good thing I can say about the social media tech giant, there is about 20 other less than gleaming qualities that I could point out. So needless to say I don’t really frequent Facebook on a regular basis which ended up leading me to discovering something that all smartphone users should be aware of.

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Internet of Things: The Web Just Got Bigger… Bam!


Before I go ahead with saying what I want to get across in today’s post I feel that I should go over a couple of key concepts first. The Internet (spelled with a capital I) is what we refer to as the world wide web, which is the general connection that connects devices across the world. However, the internet (spelled with a lowercase i) is a generic term which refers to a simple connection of devices. The point that I am trying to get across here is that quite simply put, I want you to think of the term Internet as a connection of devices instead of just the tool you use in order to check your Facebook page.

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Uber: Their Next Step in Automation


So I use Uber from time to time; it is extremely useful. It’s ridiculously nice in a city setting where one can simply pull out there phone and have a ride within minutes. Today I was driving home from work and when I took a detour through downtown Pittsburgh in order to avoid the ridiculous traffic on the Liberty bridge I just so happened to end up behind the car seen in the above photo. The spinning device on top caught my attention so I ended up doing a quick Google search to discover that Uber just so happen to be testing self driving cars.

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Bitcoin: The Future of Currency


There is no doubt that physical currency is going the way of the dinosaur. Over the years people have been gradually carrying less and less cash and relying more heavily on debit cards. Interestingly enough as more traditional monies become more virtual there are other virtual currencies actually gaining momentum. The most popular of which being Bitcoin.
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Cisco: How Secure is Your Router


It seems attackers have devised a way to gain access to businesses networks by replacing the firmware on at least fourteen reported Cisco business routers. Though there has only been fourteen cases discovered so far, the security vendor FireEye is concerned that this could be a much larger problem than what it is perceived to be. Though a back doored business router was once only considered to be a theoretical scenario, the problem could soon be something that companies have to worry about.

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Syncano: A New Approach to Development


Today as I was reading up on some tech news I happened to come across an relatively exciting new start up. This startup allows users to developers to focus less on the back end of their applications and more so on the front end. There is no telling what this could do for software development. If such a service were to take off then it could be possible to release applications at a much faster rate.

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