Positive Fan Behaviors

So you want to avoid crossing the line, but still want to be a passionate and supportive fan? That’s great, here are some examples of ways that you can support your team and enjoy the beautiful game without crossing the line.

  • Vocally supporting your team and not focusing on their opponents
  • Reporting other fans that you see crossing the line
  • Creating funny and positive chants and songs about the team and players that you support
  • Taking the pledge not to cross the line
  • Encouraging others to take the pledge
  • Educating younger fans on how to positively support their team
  • Focus on language and messages that build your team up and boos the confidence of the players that you support.

Negative Fan Behaviors

So how do you know if you are crossing the line as a fan? Here are some examples of common negative fan behaviors to avoid.

  • Cursing
  • Harassing opposing fans, players, or coaches
  • Harassing referees
  • Using foul or abusive language
  • Fighting
  • Throwing objects onto the field
  • Engaging in derogatory chants
  • Encouraging other fans to misbehave
  • Using racist or homophobic language/slurs
  • Destroying team property

How To Be A “Good” Fan

So you’re a fan of the game of soccer. That’s great, we need people who are passionate about the sport, and want to help it grow. However, just because you are a fan of the game doesn’t mean that you get to act however you please. Just because you want your team to win, and want to help them to achieve this goal, doesn’t give you the right to do anything in your power to try and help them. Yelling at the referees, opposing players, or even members of the team that you support because you feel that they are not playing well enough in your opinion, is not positive fan behavior. This is especially true if you’re a parent of a player, as you are expected to be a positive role model, and a positive influence on the game. You need to be supportive, not negative. Don’t focus on tearing down your opponents, but rather focus on building up the team that you support and that you want to do well. If you are a parent of a player remember the coach has your child’s best interest at heart to. If you’re not a parent, remember that the player you are harassing is somebody else’s kid. Be cognizant that if you are yelling, and acting in negative manner, would you really want to have that behavior mimicked by your kids or by other young children? Screaming at the other team isn’t it going to help your team win, and if anything, it just makes you look bad.