On “Digital Pedagogy Unplugged”

This piece of writing has really fascinated me. All I’ve been thinking about the past days (though it feels like months) is how to use the (D)igital as a medium or a tool of facilitating and further easing the process of both teaching and learning in a given classroom. Having read this article, it totally got me thinking in a totally different way. The assumption in this article goes against the grain. It takes the media, digital tools, and electronics and its effect on educational experiences in a different path.

Instead of viewing it as tools, it has become introductory materials that familiarizes the students with whatever is to be given later on in class. The assumption, as far as I understood it, calls for teaching naked, in a class that is in all senses “unplugged”. In other words, it calls for an educational experience where the technology becomes a preparatory tool for the class, and the class in itself is self-contained and self-sufficient to stand without bringing anything from the newly emerging and increasingly facilitating digital tool.

This piece brings on the notion that we mistakingly keep confusing the idea of digital with electronics! At first, I thought [hell yeah its all about electronics or why would they call it digital]. The answer to this notion keeps coming and going, affirming and negating what I’m reading ! The last three lines of teaching naked, that are narrated below, are hitting the very core of the subject matter but I really couldn’t think past its abstraction. “Can we imagine “teaching naked” as more than merely doing without, but as something already integrated to the circuit of its electronic counterpart? What if instead we kept the “digital” in the non-electronic senses of that word: something to get your hands on, to deal with in dynamic units, to manipulate creatively?”

All in all, I think there is plenty of other things I should be reading and encountering before I can actually utter an opinion or position myself.

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