On Galatea

Though this is not my first time dealing with Galatea, yet still I feel like I have not yet mastered how to work with it. The level of frustration is of course different. As I keep trying to work my way out through it, the picture of my colleagues, especially those dealing with it for the first time continuously occupies my head 🙂
(I truly wish I could let you know how I first felt ! And how it is okay to feel like kicking the PC after several tries of initiating a meaningful conversation ! )
Anyhow, on this second visit, I’m this time trying to overcome the frustrations and pay more attention to the limits of this interactive fiction. I tried counting the different versions and seeing if it is random by asking about the same piece of information yet in different contexts. The answers were not always the same, yet I have to say that the change was slight. Another point worths mentioning and important to note is that how this interactive fiction, though it feels like a game, conveys some facts, histories, biographies, and other various types of information, both fictive and real.
Now shifting the attention to the implication of a similar text in the process of teaching, I would say that though we have done this interactive fiction in Post-modern literature class, yet trying this time to re-experience it with the idea of how to use such a work in a class-room in mind, and how to create a work that is, in form, somehow similar to it, yet, contently, different so that it serves a pre-designed learning end or objective is not an easy task! Regardless of how difficult this task might be, yet I have reason to believe that implementing such interactive fiction, hypertexts, and other forms of digital literature in the classroom, would nonetheless makes the experience more attracting, engaging, fun and thus more memorable.

2 thoughts on “On Galatea

  1. Nouf, it is very interesting the way that you perceived the text Galatea as mine! You felt kind of frustration when navigating across the text. Maybe that is part of Galatea’s mood that is created through certain commands. Then that complicated the process to get to the end easily and quickly, and that led us to more directions, paths, and reading texts before reaching the end. however, for me, it is very interesting to go through these directions when I have time to do it.

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