Going Tech Free
Technology has indeed transformed my life; it was hard to go tech free the whole day. When I first told my husband and kids about it, they laughed and said that I will not be able to do it. They said that because they know how attached I am to my laptop and mobile phone. I use my laptop every day for reading and doing my homework, and I use my phone for social media mostly to connect with family and friends. I went tech free on Thursday because I did not have any classes that day. In the morning, I was able to finish cleaning my house and finish doing the laundry which was haunting me for weeks. I had an urge between cleaning tasks to look at my mobile phone but I ignored it. I felt that I would missing some important messages or emails. So, during my coffee break at around 12 p.m I cheated and checked my emails and my social medias (WhatsApp, Instagram, Snapchat). The funny thing was that I decided to open Facebook although it’s been months since I last opened it, here I knew that I am addicted to technology and social media. I also wanted to listen to music while cleaning but I decided to have a quite cleaning time as much as I can. However, at 6 p.m while I was waiting for my kids to finish their gymnastic class, which lasted for an hour, I felt bored so I used my mobile phone. There was nothing important, I checked messages, Instagram, and Snapchat. I acknowledge that all of these are social media which are not important and take so much of my time, however I feel relaxed and happy when I check them. I usually do not use technology or do homework between 5 and 9 because it’s the time I spend with my kids, help them with their homework, play, and have dinner. But at around 10 p.m I missed my laptop and I was not able to force myself not to use it, so I convinced myself that I need to do some homework, but after 15 minutes, I watched Netflix.
Overall, going tech free did help get more physical and finish the tasks I have been holding for a long time like cleaning. It did help me realize more how addicted I am to social media which is really not important and take so much time. I decided to cut back on my social media usage and take time to be more physical and finish other tasks my life demands me to do.