Jazz horn

This week I just wanted to talk a little bit about Jazz French horn playing. I realize this may seem odd the combination of Jazz and french horn however, it is really becoming more and more popular. This past weekend I attended the Northeast Horn Workshop on Long Island in New York at Hofstra University and got to see a performance of one of the greatest Jazz French horn players of all time. I couldnt help but thinking as we talked about the start of Jazz, blues, country, and other genres in class if I am currently witnessing the genre of jazz being somewhat transformed to include horn. Maybe Im watching something that will become part of music history books one day. “When the french horn officially became apart of jazz…” Who knows?! Anyway the horn player was an African American man by the name of Vincent Chancey. Vincent has spend over 25 years building his jazz reputation and has become an active jazz composer as well. As far as I know, right now he is the only Jazz horn player who is African American.  The horn in jazz music has such a different texture and sound and approaching jazz on the instrument is a challenge all on its own much like just playing the horn. I have included his link to his website and a video of him performing. Enjoy!


His work the Spell has a ton of horn which is the second on the playlist so give that one a listen!