Photo Editing (Part 1)

For my very first blog post, I decided to keep it a simple one. I wanted to discuss what kind of editing software I use and why I will probably never use anything else again! This is a part one and just a brief discussion about what I use. In the future, I plan on making posts about how I actually use them. I want to add visuals so it can be a “follow along” type of tutorial. So stay posted for those!

The editing software that I use the most is Adobe Lightroom. I really like Lightroom because it is not an overcomplicated application to use. I do not find any complications using it and there is not any real problems that I have had with it so far. I use Lightroom for basic editing features. If you do not plan on doing anything overly complicated to your photos and just want the basics, then Lightroom is a great software to consider purchasing. It is also very nice for beginners who are just getting started with photo editing.

The other software that I like to use is also an Adobe application that we all know and love, Photoshop. I basically only use photoshop for editing if I want to blend photos together or add more complicated effects. This software is definitely harder to get used to. I have been using Photoshop since I was in middle school and taught myself how to actually use it in a professional manner.


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