Saving Money

The topic for this post will be how companies can save their money. We all know that companies that are starting up want to make sure that they have enough money, so they create a budget for themselves and the company. I will be addressing this because it is important for companies to understand that sometimes you must spend money to begin with, to make money. This topic interested me because I want to be a future business owner and understanding this early will help me in the future.

A big misconception with this is that if you wait until after you have created and started your business, it will be cheaper to then hire a graphic designer. In truth, waiting until the end is actually going to be more expensive to the owner and could potentially make you lose money! If you get a designer at the beginning of the process of creating your business, they will have a longer time to put your visualization to work. To begin with, it would seem like you are paying more, but once your company is up and running and you have an attractive visual and are bringing in customers, then you will see it all played out well.

The best way as an owner to help themselves in this situation is to hire a graphic designer to begin with, so he can work as you come up with your brand, visual, and logo so that they can create a visual that best suits your ideals and can catch the attention of your audience. While, it is understood that a person wants to make sure that there company is able to actually be running before starting their advertising, it is recommended to get the visuals out the way so you can effectively build your company fitting for your brand.

my opinion on the matter is that I believe that investing your money early will be the most beneficial because an owner wouldn’t have to worry about their products being rushed by the designer and the designer wouldn’t feel rushed and potentially making a mistake. and to add on to that, once your visual is done and ready to be advertised, the company will have a longer time to be exposed to the targeted audience, so they know of the company when it begins running.

Now it is question time for my readers following on this. You are running a company and you are given the option of paying a little more at the beginning of the process but being more exposed by the time the company is opened, or waiting until your company is nearly up and running to find a graphic designer which will charge a little bit less but it will take time for your exposure to begin to take effect, what would you choose? and why? please reply to this in the comments I would love to see your answers below. Also don’t forget to like and subscribe to my channel below, it would be much appreciated!


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