Tag Archives: leprosy

Good News India

I wouldn’t call myself a “kid person” by any means, but there is something special about being around a little one that makes you see the world a little bit differently. Children have an amazing ability to look at everything so simply, and to look at the positives that are hidden in this world, like the beautiful simplicity of an ice cream cone, or playing with a hose. They have a way of working their way into your heart, and making you chuckle a little and love more. So, it is only natural to feel your heart break when you think of children in any kind of pain or suffering, especially when it can be easily prevented.

You see advertisements all over for these children, and most of them, are shown as being from Africa. Now don’t get me wrong, any child in need anywhere in the world, should have the chance to be heard. But what about all those other places in the world that gets less publicity? Who is going to hear them? Well, I have good news! (No pun intended by this). An organization called “Good News India”, is here to help cover the country of India, and all the hurting and needing children there. I had the amazing opportunity to meet and have dinner with one of the founders of the organization, and a better man couldn’t be found. He talks passionately about “his children”, and loves what he does with his life, which is helping provide for more than 3,000 children.

Good News India is the world’s largest network of 24/7 care centers for orphaned and destitute children that will see them through college or Vo-Tech training. Isn’t that amazing? They aren’t just offering these children a chance to survive until 18, they are looking after their long-term goals, and helping them to dream big, and chase after their dreams! They currently own and operate 31 “Dream Centers”, and have rescued more than 3000 children, and over 500 lepers from a life of hopelessness. Their vision is to transform communities in Eastern India through Children’s Homes aka Dream Centers, Leper Homes (Cities of Refuse), Youth Conventions and Strategic Leadership conferences. Through this, they hope to transform communities in East India, and keep children out of indentured servitude, sexual exploitation, and providing a safe haven for the sick.

Through the program, they hope to bring the Good News of Jesus for all people, and to promote charitable work like distributing food and clothes, educating the illiterate, and helping the destitute children. Their long-term goals are to establish 100 Dream Center in areas of Northeast India, 10 vocational and technical schools to provide career training, and to conduct 10 medical/Clinic Outreaches each year. The main goal of Good News India, is to provide a safe place for the children of East India, and giving them the better life that so many of us take for granted.

As with any organization, you can give a donation of any amount online, on their website. You also have the awesome opportunity to schedule a tour of the Dream Centers, which are listed online as well, and these “tours” as they call them are what we know as mission trips. You will get the chance to go and be with the children in a certain location, and help with everything to youth camp and VBS, to simply spending time with them and serving them. But most of the time I realize that they really end up serving us, as well as teaching us. The ability to love on children who come from broken homes is like no other.

Do you have a special heart for children? Then definitely consider this trip as your next stop.

Visit their website! http://goodnewsindia.org/


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