Kylie’s Remix Idea

For the remix, I’m thinking about doing a fashion/women’s magazine for witches (like Seventeen or Cosmo or something). I’ll design a front cover and maybe one or two of the spreads from inside the issue and talk about what else I would put in the magazine. I think it’ll be a fun and creative way to explore the wizarding world a little more!

Journal #3 – Can You Be Racist to a Goblin? Yes, Yes You Can.

Can You Be Racist to a Goblin? Yes, Yes You Can.

In The Harry Potter series, there are a multitude of other races that live alongside humans. While there are, of course, humans of different racial and ethnic backgrounds, in this case I’m referring to species that have the sentience of humans (or something that’s quite close) while quite literally not being human. Continue reading

Journal #1: Marx, Magic, and Muggles

Journal #1: Marx, Magic, and Muggles

Throughout the golden trios adventures in the wizarding world, they are subjected to the whims of the Ministry of Magic. Although in the first few books the Ministry was seen as a beneficial governmental organization, in the final books it is easy to see how ugly the Ministry can get, and that’s before it’s taken over by Voldemort in the final book. I believe that the Ministry holds a great deal of power in the British Wizarding world because it has its hands (or wands) in so many things.

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