Remix Idea

My remix idea is to recreate Mrs. Figg’s album filled with pictures of her cats (or kneazles, if you prefer to call them that). Because the first book implies that when Harry is stuck at her house he’s stuck looking through the album all day, there are likely going to be a lot of cats, and I’m going to incorporate naming conventions similar to the cats she canonically has named (such as Mr. Tibbles or Tufty) and also work in some descriptions for personalities of the cats, because as any cat owner knows, there’s always a story with each cat.

Remix Idea

My remix idea would be a flash fiction of sorts. I would call it more of a character study on Lily Potter. I’m trying to decide whether I want to do her years in Hogwarts. I feel like the reader never gets enough of Lily in school only in Snape’s memories. Another idea I may do is Lily Potter’s final moments before she is killed.

Katherine’s Remix Brainstorm

My first idea was to do a collage, because I enjoy doing them and could have fun. Thinking about it in class I feel that may not be ambitious enough. I had a couple ideas whirling about in my head, but none that I could fully be on board with. Im still brainstorming. I could do the collage, but I would like to shoot for something more if I could.

Gabby’s Remix Idea

So I’m going to write a piece of fan fiction about how Bellatrix became all demented and evil.

Ginny will use oclemency when Bellatrix and Molly are battling to look into Bellatrix’s past and see that it was her upbringing and social surroundings that warped her into the evil person she is today. I plan on having a semi-abusive father, and peer pressure from those who later became death eaters play a large role in shaping Bellatrix into a cruel person, showing that becoming evil isn’t necessarily inherent, but can be the result of a twisted past.


Journal #3 – Can You Be Racist to a Goblin? Yes, Yes You Can.

Can You Be Racist to a Goblin? Yes, Yes You Can.

In The Harry Potter series, there are a multitude of other races that live alongside humans. While there are, of course, humans of different racial and ethnic backgrounds, in this case I’m referring to species that have the sentience of humans (or something that’s quite close) while quite literally not being human. Continue reading

On Posting Reading Journals for Edits

Hi guys! When I made a new page for my reading journal, it showed up as a link above the house banner, but there isn’t an option to comment on pages. To fix this issue, and make all of the reading journals accessible, I’ve created a new category titled “Reading Journals” for us to post in, that way we have a section that specifically features our reading journals! All you have to do to post there is go to the top of the page like for a regular post, hover over “New” and click “Post.” Then, when you’re in the editing screen, scroll down to “Categories” on the right, and click the “Reading Journals” checkbox when you post your journal! A useful tool that you’ll also want to know about is the “Read More” button. It’s in the tool bar on the top of the text section – second one on the right. If you just post a summary of your journal, you can include the entirety of it under a read more link by using it, which makes it easier to follow through to comment on your journal. You can see an example of it on my reading journal post, which is up now!

Reading Journal Questions

Hey guys! I know it’s kinda late the day before they’re due, but do you guys know if there is a max cap on the journals? I’m not intending to go crazy or anything. I’m just nearing the 500 word mark and am not done making my point or using the three quote minimum (it was three right?).

Thanks guys <3