Remixy Mix

I was thinking about doing a painting of Professor Snape with Lily, and writing the Always quote on it somewhere since Rowling revealed that they were talking about Lily. However, I’m not so certain now about whether I have time to do it or not, so I don’t really know what other direction to go.

Re-Mix Ideas

I’ve read that Rowling originally intended to kill Arthur Weasley during the battle in the Ministry of Magic in Order of the Phoenix. As we know, she instead killed Sirius. I think that I want to write a piece of flash fiction about how things would have been different had Arthur died instead, and the aftermath of that. I would also like to use a prompt generator that gave me the first sentence, “He awoke from a nightmare about garden gnomes and shuddered.” I think this would go along well with the Arthur storyline.

Re-Mix Idea

Since Neville could have been the Chosen One instead of Harry but Voldemort picked Harry I want to make a fanfiction in which Voldemort chose Neville instead of Harry and explore how the series could have been different if Neville was the Chosen One. For this project, I will write a bit of how something that happened in one of the books would be different if Neville had been in the place of Harry.

Remix Ideas – Cassidy LeDonne

So I was thinking more along the lines of remixing a well-known game.

One of my ideas which I am leaning towards is making a remix of the cornhole game.  It would be more of cornhole Quidditch. Instead of one hole on the wooden board, like normal cornhole games have, there will be three.  The three holes will be in the design of the three hooped goal posts from Quidditch in Harry Potter.  Each will be at different heights and worth different points.  I will make rules up so that the game is quite different than the original cornhole game.  I will also make an idea/rule up where the game can be over quickly if you get the golden snitch (whatever that may be).  There will be four wooden boards representing each house.

My second idea is a Harry Potter Quidditch pong.  This is a remix of the normal pong that people play.  There will be three hooped goal posts in-between the two teams’ 6 red solo cups.  There will be several different rules of the game as well so it’s more of a spin-off or remix of pong.  I will also add in another cup somewhere else on the table to resemble the golden snitch so the game would be over once that cup is made.

These are just two ideas that I am thinking about, however, I am leaning towards the first one because I can do more with the rules of the game.


For my remix idea I wanted to choreograph a dance piece. My main intent of the piece is to tell a love story between Harry and Ginny, Ron and Hermione. My original idea is choreograph the struggle between friendship and love.

For this project I would need to cast 2 males and 2 females dancers. However, due to scheduling I am not able to get dancers and hold rehearsals. I still need to find music. For costumes I would design each and personalize it.