Cassidy’s Re-Mix

Cassidy’s remix project was a fun take on a game that already exists. I like that she recreated her own rules for the game and she took the time to draw out what the new game would look like. Her design was clear for the boards and she kept a traditional look for the house boards by using their colors. I was interested in her idea and overall presentation she was enthusiastic and spokeclearly when addressing the class. I appreciate how she used the true rules ofQuidditch for the rules of this game with only having 3 bean bags to throw, three hoops all worth different points and the points being fairly split up to scale for her modified version. This is a game I would love to play in real life and I think it is something that could be brought to life if she had more time to do it or if she took the idea to the next level. I could tell that she picked something she’s interested in and knowing her as a person, something involving a sport or competition is perfect. If I could give her one suggestion, it would be to make the boards and play it for real. I think that would be an awesome way to get the whole class to participate together but I know it would have taken a lot of work to make the boards real.

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