Gabby’s Final Project

Anna Lang

Dr. Powers

ENGL 381

25 April 2017

Review of Classmate’s Projects


Last week, one of my classmates and very close friend of mine, Gabby Reed, presented her final project titled Harry Potter Drunk kitchen. Since I am a close friend of hers, and I had some idea that she was going to bake pumpkin pastries while under the influence of “butterbeer,” I had no idea that I was going to watch the video projects that was finally shown in class. Upon seeing the first few minutes of the video, I was almost instantly in tears over how funny Gabby managed to be in this project. I liked how prior to her drinking some butterbeer, Gabby made sure to shoot herself explaining the history of the pumpkin pastries according to the world of Harry Potter, as well as how food in general has a huge influence over the book series,. Specifically, Gabby noted in her video that we see a young Harry when he was living under the staircase, tiny and malnourished in the beginning of the first book.

Once she discussed the importance and influence of food in Harry Potter, Gabby then went on to drink an entire butterbeer on camera and proceed with preparing and baking the pumpkin pastries. This part had me in tears because of the hilarious things that she was saying on camera. Even though this was a more lighthearted project, I could still tell that Gabby had put a lot of effort in terms of video editing, some script writing, and overall baking skills. All in all, I think this was a perfect final project to start off with.