
How can i pass this knowledge on to future brothers and generations

01/10/2020 - Uncategorized

The goal of learning for me is to pass it on to the next person. I want to be able to share my knowledge with not just my future children but my brothers as well. I was blessed to join a fraternity and have brothers who have similar interests as me and can help guide me in the direction I want. I’m hoping to be able to make videos that can be shared through my fraternity and even get feedback from brothers who can even help me work on projects. What is the point of learning something if you don’t pass it on?

Every year there are more brothers who come into the fraternity and that is something I want to be apart of for years to come. I am doing all I can to be involved with everything I can as an undergraduate. I want to move forward and help pave a way for the future and give future students the tools that I was fortunate enough to have now as an undergraduate. Making videos is not easy work as they do take time and can be stressful. I have witnessed the stress of making a film and I can only imagine making a lot of films or even movies.

I would encourage people to share that knowledge with others. Passing it down helps to keep creativity and even inspire new creativity. I want to inspire the next generation even if I can only help reach one child. Coming from neighborhoods where you are looked at as statistics and not expected to succeed made me value every opportunity I was given. I want to be able to pass this opportunity to the next kids who want to do something amazing with their lives. If I can help them reach that goal then I know that I fulfilled part of what I want in life.

If you are looking to do the same or even feel the same way that I do, then it’s that more important that you take it seriously early. Never stop learning or turn down the information that is offered to you. Making sure that I can help support the mission of my fraternity of being a role model to the community is something important to me because I understand that not every child does not have those adult figures in their lives. Being part of this fraternity just made me realize even more that I need to keep up with everything I am trying to do in my life.

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