Fixing Skin Tone in Lightroom

There are all kinds of reasons why the person in your photo could have a skin tone that just looks off. It can make them look almost like a different person, or not even real. Fixing skin tone is very important, and it’s not as hard as one might think.

Using the HSL (Hue, Saturation, Luminance) slider in Lightroom is going to be the best way to fix this, but there are some other ways to do it as well.

One of the other ways to fix skin tone, is by using the level of exposure. If the image is overexposed or underexposed, then your subject could look weird. Fixing your exposure using the exposure slider can make your image look a thousand times better. Once you have made sure your white balance is correct, you just need to move the exposure slider around until you have found the sweet spot where your image looks the way that you want it to.

Speaking of white balance, that’s another thing you want to check when you are fixing skin tones in images. If the white balance is wrong, it can make someone’s skin look too red or too blue, depending on the color temperature of the image. I discussed how to correct white balance a few days ago, so if you think that is the problem, then click here and follow the steps to on correcting white balance.

Now, like previously stated, one of the easiest ways to fix skin tones is by using the HSL slider. To do this you are going to want to find the HSL tab on the right side of your screen. It should be located near the color and black and white tabs. Once you are there, you will click on luminance. Slide the orange slider to the right. Next, move on to saturation and slide the orange slider to the left. Finally, select hue and slide the orange slider to the right. REMEMBER the amount you move the sliders is going to depend on the skin tone you are working with, it’s going to be different with every subject and every image. It will take some practice, but using these steps will help you get a skin tone that works better for your photo.