Final project

in my final project I worked in developing my omeka page because I find it a helpful page if I start to write a research, thesis or dissertation about the colonization issue. it companies all the information i need to enhance my paper. but the question was how can I organize this page so it will easier to use and go back and forth without feeling lost.

To develop this site for the final project I tend to add some more exhibits which divided the materials and items I upload in the site. so I made one of the exhibit about the American style of colonization and its history. the second one was about the British colonization history. the third one about the impact of colonialism on economic, education and health. then I add three more exhibits each one of them has a novel which presented the colonialism issue. additionally, I worked in developing the (tag) aspect to make it easier to search or look for the information required. Also, I worked on presenting my statement/ aim of this site in the first page so who ever read this will have a clear idea of the aim of this site. finally, I added more collections which will organize the items I have in the page.

Generally Speaking, I tried to present it in a way that makes me find the knowledge I need whether if I went to teach this in a literature class or to present papers. I find omeka a useful site to collect materials for my future students or for my self to read it whenever I want.

using Twine and Blog to Teach Persepolis

I have designed this lesson to teach graphic novel to undergraduate students.

For almost a decade teachers tend to move from the traditional methods of teaching inside the classroom toward using technology and some digital tools to present their lessons. The utility of using technology has a reflection on teachers and students’ learning interaction, and in a way of making learning and teaching as mutual action between teacher and students. It changes the traditional methods which making the teacher the center of the classroom. Trebor Scholz states in the introduction: Learning Through Digital Media of the book Learning Through Digital Media Experiments in Technology and Pedagogy that, “Teachers need to consider how to engage learners with content by connecting to their current interests as well as their technological habits and dependencies” (9-10). Technology or the digital tools presents the participants and the environment of the educational process as a communication place to share the ideas and thoughts. However, with the variations of the tools that can be used in the classroom, it still difficult to deicide, which one can be useful to one as a teacher or to students to understand it and use it easily. Therefor, I find it interesting to use Twine, which is a useful digital site to teach a graphic novel. This paper will illustrate a lesson plan to teach irregular type of novels through twine.

First let me indicate why I chose to present my lesson through twine! I find twine a valid digital tool to upload pictures, links, sounds, video or/and words in one place. It gives me the space to organize my self and my lesson in a way that make me sure that my students will not lose their enthusiasm in the class. In the same point, twine can help me to show the how to read the graphic novel by choosing the linear way of presenting pages. Additionally, it is a place where students can be creative enough to compose their own stories and digitize it as a fine literary art.  It is difficult to find some kind of tools which give you the space to do all of that without taking that much of effort. Moreover, from the beginning of this course students were using their blogs to comment, response or do their assignment. This gives me as a teacher a clear understanding of how my students work, and what are the things they are struggle to do. Alexander Halavais, in his article, “Blogging Course Texts: Enhancing Our Traditional Use of Textual Materials” states, “This original blog met my needs by encouraging discussion that focused on the texts we were reading and watching, which continued over from our face-to-face meetings to the online world. My intention was to break down the artificial temporal walls that kept thought constrained to the meeting times of the course, but the forum had also, unexpectedly, broken down a lot of other walls” (35).



it is almost morning,

Imagination is more important than knowledge.

Albert Einstein

Feminism and Othering through Voyant Tool

After a class I took last semester with Dr. Slater about the literary theory, I become interested in knowing if there is any connection between feminism issue and colonialism matter. In term of othering, if we look form a feminine perspective I noticed that sometimes they call female as the man’s other. Lois Tyson in her book Critical Theory Today, states, “The word woman, therefore, has the same implications as the word other. A woman is not a person in her own right. She is man’s Other: she is less than a man; she is a kind of alien in a man’s world; she is not a fully developed human being the way a man is” (96).  male are the center of the world. women’s position was, or still in some places, seen as they are colonized.

Similarly, by looking into the othering and orientalism of the colonized people, we noticed how the European missionary treated the colonized people as the others. Tyson states,“So the colonizer saw themselves at the center of the world; the colonized were the margins” (419). Europeans are able to dominate African people by changing the African conception of religion and justice; by Othering native African religious beliefs, Europeans could gain control over African leaders and, thus, their land and natural resource.

Both groups appear as powerless and subordinate. Feminist and postcolonial seek to gain their right, freedom and leave the world of dominant behind them.

Thus, I find it interesting to use text that related to these different issue and combine it by using Voyant to do a kind of close reading and analyzing the result to see of there is a real similarity. However, I added different text and that  was the result. to be quite honest,  Voyant did work the way I expected. I am not sure what is the reason behind that! I might did not choose the correct sources to do so, or voyant has some errors issues.




Nothing is more dangerous than an idea, when it’s the only one we have” Alain.


Visualizations V.S Teaching

looking into this tool make you see it as an art, and enjoying your time reading this visualizations. It kinda remind me by the camera zoom, when you find something interested you will zoom in to present it clearly and make every one notice it.

with the reading of the information visualizations article, I came to realize that the simple usefulness of this tool is to communicate and manipulate complex information. for example, historical, statistical and literary texts. It will make it easier to understand, analyze and view the text. instead of using power point or paper work to combine theses different texts or information without making yourself and your students to feel lost. my question here are we consider it as An tool to teach or some kind of arts?

I am thinking of applying this tool to teach novels. So I might look into the historical issues of any novel, and combine it with the analyzing of the character, themes, plot. It seems interesting to use, and will caught students attention. additionally, it will make me as a teacher more organized. However, I am not sure yet of I can use it to any kind of novel to teach students. what is the benefit they will gain by using this tool, as literature students.



Today wisdom,

When it is obvious that the goals cannot be reached, don’t adjust the goals, adjust the action steps.”



The aim of this sits is to collect some useful sources, data and information about colonization, postcolonial topic. additionally, it introduces some of the novels which mention colonialism theme. This wed site is useful to scholars and researchers who are interested into looking to the colonization in depth.


Thank you and enjoy your searching,


I Have a Dream too! (Twine)

Though I am using a personal story in twine project right now, I think it is useful to teach any kind of literary text. for example, if want to teach The Book Thief to my students, twine would be useful way to make them explore further data and information about the history, characters, themes, author, analysis of this novel. It can be a collection of all the things that you want to discuss with your students and you won’t forget it. Sometimes it is difficult for students to find the reliable source or information, but with twine this would not happen anymore. Therefore, I find it useful for the teachers to use in the classroom.

For students, I think it open the door of creativity for them. They start to write and create their own stories, and see other stories. For my experience, at first glance I thought that would be impossible to do something like this. it is hard to find the good idea that will caught your reader attention and make them complete their reading. additionally, when it comes to what are the shape and way you are going to take to present your work, it takes a time and enhance your way of thinking. foe example, I deiced to add an audio so kept looking to what is the best way to add it! Thus, I think teachers need to give their students the chance to play with this tool and show how their imagination work to the world.


we say in this early morning,

The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.
Lao Tzu

SquinchPix as DH site

SquinchPix sit is an electronic album for the archive of the Europeans images. it is organized in clear simple way, as when you click on the glass and window images you can find a variety pf pictures under this group. when I click on each image, I can find information/ data about the name of this glass and where I can find it in Europe. This principle is applied on all the images appear in this site. Additionally, it shows you the pictures on the google map to make it clear for anyone to recognize the place correctly. and there is the search button if you know what you are looking for you just need to type it, and it will appear.

In term of usefulness of this site, I think it has a beneficial aspect among the DH sites. It is difficult for scholars or people who are interested in knowing the archive of each part on the earth. this site collect the most important and old images and data into one site to document it and save the time and effort for people to find them easier and faster.

Thus,  to made  this materiel accessible to every one anywhere in the world is the kind of dream is all historians working on especially for the archival materials regarding to its value. since different people from different country might be interested in the European archive, this will increase the diversity audiences/visitors of the websites. Students and scholars  anywhere on the planet will be able to explore this materiel, find new learning form.

so if we ask,  what can or does this project do or allow for the traditional print scholarship cannot?

  •  we all know that the archival materials can not be check out from any library, in that case you need to be in library all the time for searching in that worth things.
  • it also difficult to travel all the way to read or search them.

So, in that case making it digitize will help student, researchers, and scholars to reach it easily. The aim is to connect our real life (the places, images) to the digital life. it is a chance to find this amount of images and data under the print of a one finger. The reason of the most DH sites is to make the searching and exploring easier for scholars and interested people.


Today wisdom:

We are made wise not by the recollection of our past, but by the responsibility for our future.”

George Bernard Shaw

Galatea is a Friend of Creativity!

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This is the first time that I use Galatea by Emily Short. It is unexpected sometimes, I cannot predict what is it answer would be. For example, I tried to repeat the same words twice and in each time I got different response. Though it seems interesting, l I feel I did not master it or understand how it works correctly. It needs time to understand how it works. I think I need to go back and forth until I master it.

However, I feel it is interesting way to enhance the creativity and the way of thinking, as you try to find the best way to interact with her. I tried to rephrase and recreate my words in a variety of ways to find how can I interact with tis game! I think it is a wonderful way to start thinking of writing your own fiction story.

When it comes to use this game in the educational system, students might gain a beneficial aspect whether on their way of writing or in the way of reading the materials. Because I think it depend on the way your read the text or her response to start write again from different perspectives. Since it does not have an end so each one have to build his own way to move this story line with his imagination. I might present it to my students to use in their free time, to keep their brain active and make them think out of the box. It changes the traditional way of teaching literature, into more creative and nontraditional way of learning. If we go beyond this game work, we can find different useful idea about using it. For example, It may reduces the effort and time that the teacher need by using different websites, and books to clarify to his students the meaning of literary fiction. In addition to how make students understand that their uniqueness depends mostly on their variation.

*A whisper, though I find it interesting game, I think it needs some developing in the way of understanding some kind of verb. It can open a chance for more creativity I think.


This time wisdom,

The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing” Socrates.

Here We GO!


Well, It seems interesting to understand the DH in depth. since I am interested in using technology in different aspect I think I find it useful to use it it education too. I used to have a WordPress blog where I write my diary in my first language, and I never thought of making one to use it for education or even in English. Now when I think of that, I find it really useful because I can write a summary or analysis  of whichever novel I read. Then I can go back and forth rather than spending my time read novels more than once if I want to use it once in a while. In other words, it will be a documentary to all my reading so I might visit anytime. sometime I have to choose one of the novel I read ages ago to write a paper, this blog will be a great chance to save my time. so rather than reading the novel all over agin, this would be a place were I can come to find all what I need.

Additionally, this might work as a challenge for myself, to keep up with reading and organizing my life/time. anyone could feel bored with the amount of reading or the kind of reading. However, Keeping in mind that you are going to write your point of view or thought, make you in a race or competition with yourself; to read as much as you can.

Blogging in English is something I did not think I would do before now!

keep it up!

Today wisdom quote:

“Do not go where the path my lead, Go instead where there is no path and leave a trial” Ralph Waldo Emerson.