Beginning in January, 2015 CTE began tracking announcements posted in the IUP Daily to develop an archival collection of “Faculty in the News for Teaching and Learning Accomplishments.”
Teacher-Scholar Highlights include announcements on:
- Teaching awards
- Presentations
- Journal articles
- Book and book chapter publications
- Selection as a visiting scholar
- IUP honors and recognition for professional achievement
- External honors and recognition for professional achievement
- External professional service related to teaching
IUP faculty have been busy so far this year! Notably, Dr. Mimi Benjamin (Department of Student Affairs in Higher Education) received the College of Education and Communications Teacher-Scholar Award. The award recognizes Dr. Benjamin’s quality teaching, mentoring, and prolific scholarly activity.
The CTE Teacher-Scholar Highlights archive is a great place for IUP faculty to find out who they can connect with on campus for a new idea they want to explore, or just to stay up-to-date on all of the amazing faculty achievements going on across campus.
Written by Marie Webb
Edited by Dr. Stephanie Taylor-Davis, PhD, RD, LDN