My Vision of Literacy Statement

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3 Fundamental Beliefs about Learning Literacy:

  1. I believe literacy should be inclusive, going beyond traditional modes of comprehension (ex. Academic reading and writing exercises).
  2. Literacy is multifaceted and fluid.
  3. Literacy learning should encourage students to think critically about their own literacy skills.

3 Fundamental Beliefs about Teaching Literacy:

  1. Tools (books, scholarly articles, youtube videos etc.) used in literacy instruction should be diverse in content and representative of the professor’s student population.
  2. Professors must be consistent when encouraging students to develop their literacy skills/habits.
  3. Professors must be open to student feedback regarding their own understanding of literacy, as it relates to his/her specific method of teaching.

How should literacy pedagogy respond to today’s technological world and to today’s digital learners?

I believe literacy pedagogy should respond to today’s digital learners by incorporating elements of technology within the assignments and projects given. It is important to meet students where they are. For example, if students are posting on facebook and twitter actively, teachers can create specific accounts that are connected to the course; thus, allowing students to post in relevant pictures, quotes from articles, or even have discussion posts on weekly course readings. Additionally, through using technology to teach literacy, some professors who are not extremely tech-savvy will possibly have an opportunity to learn from those students who may be more familiar with the software. By working together with technology, I believe literacy learning can be achieved by both students and professors.