Google has a mindfulness class for it’s employees. Here’s how it works.

I recently discussed some different ways to take mindfulness classes.  Coincidentally, I just discovered another mindfulness class that Google offers to employees.  Mental note: if you’re looking for a job consider applying to Google.  Honestly, I could go on and on about how great that place seems.  However that would be for a different blog.

As I was saying, while it’s great that this class is offered to employees, what if you’re like the rest of us who don’t work at Google?  What is this class like and how can we give it a try?

I’m going to tell you more about how this class came to be, and where you can find more information on it.  I’m also going to give you some suggestions on how to replicate the class using the same basic techniques.

The class is called, “Search inside yourself,” and it’s the most popular mindfulness class at Google according to Business Insider.  The class was created by Chade Meng-Tan.  He works at Google, and he says he want to help his colleagues, “find the key to happiness” through mindfulness.

The course is divided into sections: attention training, self-knowledge, and creating mental habits.  Attention training involves being aware of what’s going on around you and being able to choose and have control over what you focus on.  Self-knowledge is about understanding how you’re feeling, without judgement and letting things be as they are.  Creating mental habits can be anything from self compassion to emotional awareness, or even something like being slow to anger in stressful situations.  Mindfulness, and specifically this course, can help with all of these things.

Another great thing to note is that as an employee at Google you can take this class in two days or you can spread it out over the course of a few weeks.  Again, all the more reason to work at Google.

What I really like about this course is that Meng stated that he made the course specifically for the people who would think that it’s, “hippie bullsh*t.”  Again, his words not mine folks, but it really hit home for me because eventually I hope that through this blog I will reach the same type of people.  I hope to reach the people who are skeptical of mindfulness or don’t think it’s for them.  So I’d say if you like what I’ve been writing about these past few weeks it would probably be in your best interest to find a course like this.

Now for those of us who are not lucky enough to work at Google, how do we learn more about this course?  Well fortunately for us, Meng published a book based on this course.  The book is titled “Search Inside Yourself: The Unexpected Path to Achieving Success, Happiness (and World Peace).”  This is about as close as we can get to actually taking the course.

I decided, to provide you with another option, that I would outline a couple different techniques that fall under the structure of Meng’s course.  The easiest way to replicate attention training would be through a breathing meditation.  This would allow you to train your focus by getting yourself to focus more on your breath rather than the other distractions going on around you.  A great way to mimic the self-knowledge portion of the course would be to do a body scan meditation.  With these meditations, you are to focus on each part of your body for a few minutes at a time.  During this time you can notice how your body is feeling while trying not to judge whatever is going on.  In other words, just let things be as they are.  This is a concept very similar to attention training.  Finally, there are a variety of meditations that can be used for mental habits.  A great compassion meditation is very common.  Personally right now I’m working on a meditation series titled dealing with the inner critic, which would also be an example of this.  These types of meditations reinforce positive behaviors that you hope to have in your life.  This means that eventually as you go about your day you might start to notice yourself having a changed mindset.  This is exactly what Meng’s course is designed to do.

Well I hope I’ve inspired you to apply to Google (Just kidding, kind of).  Really I hope I’ve inspired you to look into Meng’s work and try out some of these mindfulness techniques.

Are you one of the lucky souls that work at Google? Have you tried this class or any of these types of meditations?  Let me know in the comments!

Remember: Everyone starts out as a beginner, if they can do it then so can you.


Mindful Musings

A mental health journey through mindfulness