You Don’t Need to Know It All

In college there is no need to be the best at every medium. In fact the person who feels the need to be good at everything and take every single type of class is kind of the worst. Don’t get me wrong I’m not saying to not be the best at something. If you’re great at what you do then that’s awesome, and continue to succeed in that. But don’t get upset or mad when you don’t know how to do something either, and never be afraid to ask a professor or other student for help with it. College is your chance to learn new styles and techniques, and not asking is just going to hurt you.

However you shouldn’t be that student that puts others work down or criticizes others either. If someone is not good at something don’t point it out by being rude or making unhelpful comments like “this isn’t good”. Give them what we call constructive criticism. This means that instead of putting down their work you give them feedback like “maybe if you added more shadow to this part” or “using this color may brighten up the piece”. Just because you are one of the more talented students in the class does not give you the right to be rude to others who are not. Remember that everyone has their specialties and there may come a time that you are in a class that they consider their niche, and you could be the one asking for help.

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