When It’s Time, It’s Time

Sometimes you love a subject you’re working on, but sometimes you just can’t stretch an idea anymore. It’s hard to give up on your idea and can be even harder to find a new one, but this is the opportunity to start over and find new things to focus on. Yes, I know you loved drawing animals everyday, but move on. Try something you’ve never done before that is completely unrelated. Like people, or plants, or in my case donuts. You can always come back to your original focus when you come up with new ideas or a new issue on the topic is discovered. Letting a topic go and moving on is part of the art world. It happens to all of us, it’s simply part of the life.

When this happens to you look up local news topics for issues in the world if that’s something you’re interested in. Look for ideas in nature or (once again, in my case) look at your local grocery store. Inspiration is everywhere. You just need to look.

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