Find Your Process

Every artist works in their own way and own process. This is your time to find yours and change it to find what best fits you. Some people like to work in silence, others with music, some with people around and others when they are alone. Some work from photographs and others enjoy still life. It’s all up to you on how you want to work and where and when. Are you okay with showing up to class in nice clothes and working in a dress? Great then do it. Do you work better while wearing an oversized hoodie and sweat pants? Also okay!

When you find your process stick to it. Don’t let others tell you how to work because everyone is different. Your process will help you become a more successful artist because you will find it easier and more enjoyable to work on your pieces. The more enjoyment that you have the better your artwork will be. It will make your artwork an escape for you instead of a chore. Your professors will also see this in you and your work, and will keep it in mind that you are a hard worker and enjoy yourself while considering your grades and how they view you as a student.

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