So Many Schools, So Little Time

So,  you want to be an art major. Now what comes next? You’ve convinced your family and friends that this is what is right for you, and they’re supporting your decision (hopefully). Now it’s time to pick a school. One word – YIKES. This can be one of the most stressful times of your high school senior year. You see athletes getting scholarships and some of the students in AP classes wanting to go to big universities, but what school do art majors go to? Truthfully, almost anywhere, and there are scholarships for us to.

Start by talking to your school faculty. Your art teacher should be able to help you somewhat, and your guidance counselor definitely will be able to. If you don’t have any idea talk to them as soon as you can. Almost all schools offer some type of art program – state schools, private schools, big universities and art specific schools. I decided on IUP because it was close to home and my best friend from high school was going there too. One of my art friends from high school went to School of Art in New York after he graduated. Each school has their own way of teaching and different sets of courses. What school you pick is solely up to you. Researching the different programs and classes you can take the first step to narrowing what schools your interested in. The second is to visit the campuses and find out where you could picture yourself. When I toured IUP I could instantly picture myself making a life for myself on campus.

Keep in mind that the plan is to spend the next four years of your life here. You want this to become a home away from home, and so making the right decision in this is very important. Take into consideration every aspect of your decision. Is it too far/too close to home? Are you going to be okay with the weather? Do you like the classes that are offered? Of course no one is ever going to be happy with every single thing that happens to them in college. There will be some classes you don’t like and some professors you don’t see eye-to-eye with. While you should be stressed and nervous, you should also be excited. This is a whole new part of your life that you’ll only get to experience once. Enjoy the process, and the ears to come

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